ETG Strips: How Efficient Are They?

More than 14 million people in the United States consume enough alcohol to be classified as having an alcohol abuse disorder. Can ETG strips help identify those people and be the first step in getting them help? ETG Strips: How Efficient Are ETG Strips? Alcohol abuse...

Most Common Drugs of Abuse in America

Purchase Drug Test Cups In Bulk Here Drug abuse is a problem of great concern to the American people. Mostly because of its negative impact on society, productivity, public safety, and even law and order. The law-enforcement community is knowledgeable about the most...

Urine Drug Tests Kits. Purposes and Types

Ascertain whether an individual has administered drugs of abuse or not. Drug testing is commonly employed to check for the presence of any drug(s) of abuse. Their metabolites in the donor’s biological specimen such as blood, urine, oral fluid, sweat or hair....

Would You Pick the ETG Test to Detect Alcohol?

ETG Test to Detect Alcohol: Alcoholism has been a cause of concern for society’s health and safety at large. Despite the checks and balances imposed, law enforcement agencies have different drug testing solutions to get the most authentic result. Of all, the...
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