Home Drug Tests

Most parents live under constant fear of their children addicted to illegal drugs. Be it under the influence of their close friends or just an impulsive decision under stress. All you can do as a concerned parent is keep a close tab on the teens’ day-to-day activities to suspect drug abuse. See our article about Home test accuracy.

Ever heard of home drug testing kits? There is many but inadequate information to keep people away from it. Whilst visiting a known doctor is possibly the most comforting option, your children might not be open to that. In fact, he or she may question your trust in them or resist your control over their life decisions.



Home Drug Tests

Whilst such conflicts are bound to raise their ugly head and may severe the relations. All you can do is gather the relevant information to convince your children for a home drug test to abate the lingering fears.

This blog will shed light on some obvious concerns most people encounter. Before making the final call on drug testing:

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You can’t be banking on any random home drug test. Right? Many bogus kits are sold at cheap rates to lure the customers. Do not fall victim to such marketing gimmicks and instead look for certification such as the US FDA, which is a mark of user safety. For years, FDA has been working to dissolve unethical drug practices and reaffirm semblance in the industry. So check out for authenticity amongst the drug testing kits.


Most of the people knock at the door of medical labs out of convenience. Since most of the drug kits are hard to understand, let alone perform the test. So lack of ease and comfort compels people to prefer a medical lab over any home drug test kits. For instance, sample collection is one complicated aspect of the entire screening process. So rely on certified experts to get this job done without any simmering fear of committing any mistake.

How Much Time?

Every sample, when tested for any drug, will take its own good time to provide results. Whether tested positive or negative, most people look for quick results instead of waiting for days or weeks. If the person in question is undergoing any other health issue, you must be expecting immediate results. In some cases, the situation worsens with delayed drug test results. Though you can request early results, there is no assurance that you can get through it.

Hidden Risk

Do you cower down at the name of any risk in undergoing drug tests? Well, many do, especially if you have teenagers back home. So all you need to know is the fundamental information to get through it. Are there any precautionary measures? Can you do the test on an empty stomach? Are you under any prescribed medication? So on so forth. Many such questions can shred your confidence in pieces with little or no courage to even think of any drug test.

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In the end…

If you are one such parent grappling with the frequent battles to convince their children of drug testing, then there is something you need to watch out with nearly 100% accurate home drug testing cups. They have given a green signal by the FDA, and even CLIA has put its stamp of approval.

Please browse through our large collection of drug testing cups to find the most user-friendly home kit. Don’t think or rethink, register/ login, and start shopping from our economic drug test cups.

For more information, you can call us or write at JS@ovusmedical.com.

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