Pregnancy Test Strips (hCG)

Pregnancy Test Strips (hCG)

Free Shiping 200 Strips+
Bulk Pricing: 1 800-921-8241
As Low As $0.29ea

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2,000+ strips
Video Instructions_ Drug Testing strips


  • Accurate and reliable.
  • Safe and efficient urine drug testing.
  • Easy and convenient for home or office.
  • Same Day Shipping Mon-Fri
  • Bulk Discounts Available
  • Affordable pregnancy test strips online.
  • Forensic Use Only.
  • Results in 5 minutes.


  • Accurate and reliable.
  • Safe and efficient urine drug testing.
  • Easy and convenient for home or office.
  • Same Day Shipping Mon-Fri
  • Bulk Discounts Available
  • Affordable pregnancy test strips online.
  • Forensic Use Only.
  • Results in 5 minutes.

Testing Instructions


1. Remove the test strip from the unopened pouch and use it promptly to get the best and most accurate results. Ideally, the test should be conducted within one hour after removing the test strip from the package.
2. Carefully hold the test strip by the end where you can see the product name. Please don’t touch the strip membrane with your bare hands to avoid contamination.
3. Dip the test strip upright in the cup containing the urine specimen for a minimum of 10–15 seconds. Do not dip the strip past the entire line (MAX) on the test strip.
4. As you immerse the strip in the urine specimen, the test will begin to process, and color will appear across the membrane.
5. After the test strip has finished processing, take it out of the urine specimen cup and place it on a non-absorbent flat surface. Start the timer and wait for the colored band(s) to appear. Within 3 minutes, you will be able to read the result. Refrain from attempting to interpret the outcome after 10 minutes.


Remove the urine drug test cup from the sealed pouch as soon as possible and use it.

Verify the temperature of the specimen after 2-4 minutes by examining where the green dot emerges. On the relevant temperature line, a green dot will emerge.

When you’re ready to understand the results, remove the label. The results of the tests should be read within 5 minutes. After 8 minutes, do not interpret the result.


Delivery & Shipping

All our products ship on the same day if
ordered Monday – Friday by 3:00 pm EST



  • USPS and FED EX Ground & Expedited Services are subject to delays due to labor challenges.
  • FED EX will not deliver to PO Boxes, and there are No Saturday or Sunday deliveries.
  • FED EX OVERNIGHT is delivered the next ‘business day’, only if your order is placed before 3:00PM EST.
  • FRIDAY OVERNIGHT orders are delivered on Monday and do not include holidays.

If you ordered through USPS, your label may not appear in their system for up to three days after they receive the package. The same thing can happen with FED Ex orders, despite the fact that they almost always appear in their system the night before they are dispatched. Please contact us if you have any queries about the progress of your order, and we will look into it.
FED EX uses 'business' days (Monday-Friday) for making air deliveries, so you'll get your package the next 'business' day after it's been shipped. Orders placed after 3:00 p.m. EST are not shipped the same day, therefore Next Day orders placed after 3:00 p.m. will be shipped the next business day.
Within one business day of placing your order, you will receive an email with your tracking number. It's possible that you didn't receive this email because it was entered improperly, forwarded to your spam folder, or was blocked. If you have not received this email, please contact us by phone or email and we will gladly update you on the progress of your shipment.
Returns for unused items are accepted as long as they are placed within 30 days of the purchase date. If the shipping is free at the time of order, we will incur a cost for each order that is dispatched, and you will be repaid the value of your order once we receive the returned goods, minus the shipping costs.

Instruction Video drug test strips instruction video



En español

¿Necesita un método preciso y rentable para detectar sustancias ilícitas? No busques más allá de Ovus Medical. Con nuestros suministros de pruebas de fármacos fiables y de acción rápida, detectará fácilmente muchos medicamentos en la orina humana. Con nuestros kits, los días de ansiedad y espera de resultados han terminado, ya que los resultados positivos se pueden ver en tan solo cinco minutos

En Ovus Medical, nos esforzamos por proporcionar a los centros de tratamiento de abuso de sustancias, instalaciones correctoras y médicos para su uso en el hogar o la oficina los mejores productos de laboratorio y suministros de pruebas de drogas disponibles en el mercado hoy en día.

  • Precisa y fiable.
  • Resultados en 5 minutos.
  • Para casa o oficina.
  • Envío del mismo día Mon-Fri.
  • Descuentos en masa disponibles.
  • Pruebas de drogas asequibles.



Why the Pregnancy Test Strips (hCG)?

Ovus Medical’s hCG pregnancy test strips provide the ultimate convenience for doctors and substance abuse treatment centers. Our strips are incredibly accurate, having a 99% accuracy rate when used properly. We offer same-day shipping Monday through Friday, so you don’t have to waste time waiting for results.

With our test strips, you can detect pregnancy as early as 7–10 days past ovulation with an accuracy rate of 99%. If the hCG hormone increases gradually, you may still receive a negative result, but rest assured, it does not mean pregnancy is impossible. Invest in our reliable and effortless pregnancy test strips today and get your results faster every time!

From conception, your body changes drastically. hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in your blood and urine is one of the first indicators of pregnancy.

hCG quickly rises. It doubles every 36–48 hours throughout pregnancy, peaking at eight to ten weeks. Urine hCG hormones identify pregnancy. A pregnancy test stick’s strip detects hCG, the pregnancy hormone, within minutes of urine contact.

What happens when the pregnancy test detects the hCG hormone differs slightly by the brand and type of test. The basic way pregnancy test kits work is the presence of the hCG hormone creates a reaction within the test strip, which is then displayed as positive or negative results.

More Info

Pregnancy test strips have revolutionized the way people confirm pregnancy. Gone are when couples had to wait for days to find out if their eagerly anticipated baby was already on the way. These days, you’ll know in a matter of minutes, all from the comfort and privacy of your home.

Pregnancy Test Strips are another of our offerings at Ovus Medical. 


What is hCG?

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced in the mother’s placenta during pregnancy. It stimulates progesterone production, which thickens the uterine lining to support the embryo’s growth. hCG also signals the body to stop menstruation. The hCG level increases from the start of conception and typically peaks around 8-10 weeks into pregnancy.


Why the Pregnancy Test Strips (hCG)?

Test strips have made the detection of pregnancy fast and easy. Our test strips can detect pregnancy as early as 7-10 days after ovulation, making early prenatal care possible for a safe pregnancy and healthy baby.


How Pregnancy Test Strips Work

The rise in hCG levels is detectable in the woman’s blood and urine and is now the standard method for pregnancy testing. Urine, being readily available, has become the standard sample for pregnancy testing. A pregnancy test strip detects hCG within minutes of contact, where a chemical reaction produces a visible result in lines on the test strip, one line for negative and double lines for positive. 


Pregnancy Test Strips (hCG)

Test strips have become the test of choice for pregnancy detection because of their ease of use. It is simple, fast, has a high degree of accuracy, and is affordable.


Accurate and Reliable

Are urine test strips accurate? Yes, our test strips provide ninety-nine percent (99%) accuracy, making them highly reliable. Users, however, must follow the instructions strictly to ensure accuracy. If you get a negative result but still think you’re pregnant, take another test a week after you miss your period or consult a health professional. 



Pregnancy tests using test strips take only less than 10 minutes to complete. 

The process includes only a few simple steps – collecting urine samples, dipping the test strip into the urine, and then waiting for the color band(s) to develop. Waiting for the recommended amount of time before interpreting urine test strips results is crucial. Each package of the product includes easy-to-follow instructions.


Safe, Easy, and Convenient

You can do the test in the comfort and privacy of your home. All you need is the urine sample and the strip, which is very handy and easy to use. There’s no need for a healthcare practitioner to do it for you. 


Prompt Delivery

We do same-day shipping on weekdays (Mondays through Fridays). Something as life-changing as pregnancy can’t wait. We can’t have a potential new mom get anxious by making her wait. 



Yes, you don’t have to spend much to do pregnancy tests. The kit is inexpensive, plus you can get a quantity discount if you need to do multiple screenings.




How do you read a urine test strip for pregnancy?

The test is positive, meaning you’re pregnant if two lines appear, even if the test line (T) is faint. 

The test is negative if only the control line (C) appears. You are not pregnant, or it’s too early to test. It means there is insufficient hCG in the urine for a positive result. The color intensity of the test line (T) may vary because the level of hCG changes with the stage of pregnancy. 

Why should I buy from Ovus Medical?

We only have you and your needs in mind, and for that, we have carved a name for ourselves as the trusted supplier of top-quality, reliable, budget-friendly testing supplies and first-rate service. Ovus Medical is committed to addressing the specific requirements of every customer.

Can I buy this pregnancy test strip in bulk?

Bulk buying of our test kits allows you to save on discounted prices via volume discounts and free shipping. It’s a convenient choice for groups in need of regular pregnancy screening. 

Where can I buy a good home pregnancy test kit near me?

If you’re wondering where to buy urine test strips, they are easily accessible in many places, including physical and online stores. Yet, combined with top quality, ease of use, accuracy, speed, and affordability, Ovus Medical is the go-to choice.

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