Purchase Drug Test Cups In Bulk

Interpret Drug Test Cup Results from Urine Drug Testing Cups that are easily the most effective devices in medical science. If you are managing a firm, then corporate drug testing can help you evaluate employees using illegal drugs. A drug test is necessary for the safety and productivity of your organization. Among all the drug tests, the urine drug test cup method is the most popular due to its cost and easy to use. It is the most preferred method for urine drug testing.

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How To Read a Urine Drug Test Results ? urine drug test

  1. Finding Control and Test Regions

You will observe that each panel on the drug testing strips has its own Control Region (C) marked at the top and a Test Region below. This is specific to the drug being tested. If you do not notice any control line developing on the panel 10 minutes after collecting a sample, discontinue the test.

  1. Obtain a Sample

The majority of people prefer multi-panel drug test cup kits like the 12 Panel Drug Confirmation strips or drug testing cups that provide results within a few minutes. You don’t have to wait long for the results. Some of the strips also come with adulterants and custom configurations to detect several substances at once.

  1. Wait at least 5 Minutes

Urine drug test strips and mouth swabs provide immediate results (within a few minutes of collecting a specimen). Wait for 5 minutes to confirm the result. Do not read the cup 10 minutes after the sample is collected as a result is no longer reliable.

  1. Identifying the Lines

You need to check where the colored lines emerge on the drug test strip. If a colored line appears next to both Control Region and Test Region. Then the result should be read as NEGATIVE. Don’t worry about the color intensity (if it is a little faint or dark line). It is not a factor when evaluating results. It does not necessarily mean that the specimen comprises a small level of a particular drug metabolite.

Positive Results

If you are getting positive urine drug test results, then you must gear up to take action against the employee, student, or whosoever have been found in the illegal abuse of banned substances. However, please ensure that the controlled Region (c) is marked by the colored line to register that the test is correct and non-defective. If no line in the Test Region (T) but a colored line appears in the Control Region (C), the drug test asserted as POSITIVE.

At  Ovus Medical, we understand that it is essential for the companies to detect the drug users for maintaining the potency and right culture amongst the employees. Our Corporate Drug Testing can help you perform urinalysis at the office health unit. The easy-to-use drug test cups confirm results within a couple of minutes.

The drug test strip is very sensitive and conforms to SAMHSA cutoff levels. You can browse through to find drug test cups that fit your needs and budget.

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1. Finding Control and Test Regions

You will observe that each panel on the drug testing strips has its own Control Region (C) marked at the top and a Test Region below. This is specific to the drug being tested. If you do not notice any control line developing on the panel 10 minutes after collecting a sample, discontinue the test.

2. Obtain a Sample

Majority of people prefer multi-panel drug test cup kits like the 12 Panel Drug Confirmation strips or drug testing cups that provide results within a few minutes. You don’t have to wait long for the results. Some of the strips also come with adulterants and custom configurations to detect several substances at once.

3. Wait at least 5 Minutes

Urine drug test strips, as well as mouth swabs, provide immediate results (within a few minutes of collecting a specimen). Wait for 5 minutes to confirm the result. Do not read the cup 10 minutes after the sample is collected as the result is no longer reliable.

4. Identifying the Lines Drug-Tests-and-Detection-times

You need to check where the colored lines emerge on the drug test strip. If a colored line appears next to both Control Region and Test Region. Then the result should be read as NEGATIVE. Don’t worry about the color intensity (if it is a little faint or dark line), it is not a factor when evaluating results. And, it does not necessarily mean that the specimen comprises a small level of a particular drug metabolite.

Positive Results

If you are getting positive urine drug test results, then you must gear up to take action against the employee, student or whosoever have been found in the illegal abuse of banned substances. However, please make sure that the controlled Region (c) marked by the colored line to register that the test is correct and non-defective. If no line in the Test Region (T) but a colored line appears in the Control Region (C), the drug test asserted as POSITIVE.

At Ovus Medical, we understand that it is extremely important for the companies to detect the drug users for maintaining the potency and right culture amongst the employees. Our Corporate Drug Testing can help you perform urinalysis at the office health unit. The easy-to-use drug test cups confirm results within a couple of minutes.

The drug test strip is very sensitive and conforms to SAMHSA cutoff levels. You can browse through to find drug test cups that fit your needs and budget.

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