12 Panel Drug Test Cup TCA

12 Panel Drug Test Cup TCA

25 cups
50 cups
100 cups
200 cups
400 cups
600 cups
800 cups
1,000 cups
2,000 cups
4,000+ cups
 Free Shipping on 100 cups or more      This Cup Tests For:       
Same-day shipping  Amphetamine, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepine, Buprenorphine
As Low As $1.89ea Cocaine, Ecstasy, Marijuana, Methadone,
For Bulk Orders: 1.800.921.8241 Methamphetamine, Opiates, Oxycodone, Tricyclic Antidepressants


  • FDA and CLIA-Waived
  • Fast Results in 5 Minutes
  • User-friendly Design
  • Leak-resistant
  • 99% Accuracy Rate
  • Same-day Shipping
  • Home or Office use
  • Bulk Discounts Available
  • Identifies 12 drugs
 Free Shipping on 100 cups or more
Same-day shipping 
As Low As $1.89ea
For Bulk Orders: 1.800.921.8241


     This Cup Tests For:       
Amphetamine, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepine, Buprenorphine, Cocaine, Ecstasy, Marijuana, Methadone, Methamphetamine, Opiates, Oxycodone, Tricyclic Antidepressants


12 Panel Drug Test Cup TCA

At Ovus Medical, we understand that substance abuse treatment centers and physicians need a reliable and accurate drug testing option. That’s why we offer our 12 Panel Drug Test Cup TCA.

Our easy-to-use drug test cup provides quick results in as little as 5 minutes, making it the perfect choice for busy doctors and substance abuse treatment centers.

Each cup has an ergonomically designed, rounded handle and a built-in temperature strip to ensure precise readings.

Why the 12-Panel Drug Test Cup TCA?

At substance abuse treatment centers and doctors’ offices across the country, there is a need for reliable and convenient drug testing options. The 12-Panel Drug Test Cup TCA offers an excellent option for professionals and at-home users. This FDA/CLIA-waived cup gives them peace of mind that results are accurate, reliable, and safe.

The cup is easy to use and detects 12 different drugs with one analysis. It also has built-in temperature strips to test the temperature of the urine sample, ensuring that it is body temperature to detect any replaced or counterfeit samples. This makes it ideal for home testing and employment drug testing.

Why juggle between different tests when there’s one to rule them all? Our TCA-approved 12-Panel Cup cradles the most expansive range of drug detection, from common prescriptions to the most illicit substances. Employers, healthcare providers, and parental guardians can rest assured that the results are not just thorough but meticulously FDA and CLIA-waived.





✅ Keep the drug test cup, samples, and controls at 59-78 degrees.
Remove the cup from the sealed pouch and use it immediately.

✅ Have the donor sign and date the cup label.
The donor puts urine in the drug testing cup and caps it. Start the timer now.

✅ Operator checks cap tightness.

✅ Remove the peel-off label.

✅ Check the temperature strip label 4-5 minutes after specimen collection. The green color band will appear to indicate the temperature of the urine specimen. Adulterated specimens should be 90-100 degrees F (32-38 degrees C).

✅ Colored bands in test strip results reflect drug test results. Read the result in 5 minutes. Test results after 8 minutes are invalid.

✅ To confirm positive results, send the cup and urine sample intact to a toxicology lab for confirmation.


COLLECT: Remove the urine drug test cup from the sealed pouch as
soon as possible and use it. Have donor provide urine sample.

WAIT: Verify the temperature of the specimen after 2-4 minutes
by examining where the green band emerges.
On the relevant temperature line, a green band will emerge. 

READ: When you’re ready to read the results, remove the label.
The results of the tests should be read within 5 minutes. After 8 minutes, they are invalid.

How To Interpret Test Strip Results:

Positive 2 POSITIVE 1
Only one colored band appears in the control region ©.
No apparent colored band appears in the test region (T)


Negative 2 NEGATIVE 1
Two colored bands appear on the membrane.
One band appears in the control regions ©, and another in the test region(T).


Invalid 2 INVALID 1
Any result without a control band at the specified read time must be disregarded.
Retest the procedure. If the problem persists, discontinue using the kit and contact your local distributor.


All our products ship on the same day if
ordered Monday – Friday by 3:00 pm EST

  • USPS and FED EX Ground & Expedited Services are subject to delays due to labor challenges.
  • FED EX will not deliver to PO Boxes, and there are No Saturday or Sunday deliveries.
  • FED EX OVERNIGHT is delivered the next ‘business day’, only if your order is placed before 3:00PM EST.
  • FRIDAY OVERNIGHT orders are delivered on Monday and do not include holidays.

If you ordered through USPS, your label may not appear in their system for up to three days after they receive the package. The same thing can happen with FED Ex orders, despite the fact that they almost always appear in their system the night before they are dispatched. Please contact us if you have any queries about the progress of your order, and we will look into it.
FED EX uses 'business' days (Monday-Friday) for making air deliveries, so you'll get your package the next 'business' day after it's been shipped. Orders placed after 3:00 p.m. EST are not shipped the same day, therefore Next Day orders placed after 3:00 p.m. will be shipped the next business day.
Within one business day of placing your order, you will receive an email with your tracking number. It's possible that you didn't receive this email because it was entered improperly, forwarded to your spam folder, or was blocked. If you have not received this email, please contact us by phone or email and we will gladly update you on the progress of your shipment.
Returns for unused items are accepted as long as they are placed within 30 days of the purchase date. If the shipping is free at the time of order, we will incur a cost for each order that is dispatched, and you will be repaid the value of your order once we receive the returned goods, minus the shipping costs.

Video Instructions Drug Testing Cups NEW

¿Necesita un método preciso y rentable para detectar sustancias ilícitas? No busques más allá de Ovus Medical. Con nuestros suministros de pruebas de fármacos fiables y de acción rápida, detectará fácilmente muchos medicamentos en la orina humana. Con nuestros kits, los días de ansiedad y espera de resultados han terminado, ya que los resultados positivos se pueden ver en tan solo cinco minutos

En Ovus Medical, nos esforzamos por proporcionar a los centros de tratamiento de abuso de sustancias, instalaciones correctoras y médicos para su uso en el hogar o la oficina los mejores productos de laboratorio y suministros de pruebas de drogas disponibles en el mercado hoy en día.

  • Precisa y fiable.
  • Resultados en 5 minutos.
  • Para casa o oficina.
  • Envío del mismo día Mon-Fri.
  • Descuentos en masa disponibles.
  • Pruebas de drogas asequibles.


Amphetamines AMP 1-2 Days 1000 ng/mL
Barbiturates BAR 1-4 Days 300 ng/mL
Benzodiazepines BZO 1-2 Days 300 ng/mL
Buprenorphine BUP 2-6 Days 10 ng/mL
Cocaine COC 2-4 Days 300 ng/mL
Ecstasy MDMA 2-4 Days 500 ng/mL
Marijuana THC 15-30 Days 50 ng/mL
Methadone MTD 1-3 Days 300 ng/mL
Methamphetamine mAMP (or MET) 2-4 Days 1000 ng/mL
Morphine OPI 2-3 Days 300 ng/mL
Oxycodone OXY 1-3 Days 100 ng/mL
Tricyclic antidepressants TCA 2-7 Days 1000 ng/mL


Best 12 Panel Drug Test Cup TCA

At Ovus Medical, we understand that substance abuse treatment centers and physicians need a reliable and accurate drug testing option. That’s why we offer our 12 Panel Drug Test Cup TCA.

Our easy-to-use drug test cup provides quick results in as little as 5 minutes, making it the perfect choice for busy doctors and substance abuse treatment centers.





✅ Keep the drug test cup, samples, and controls at 59-78 degrees.
Remove the cup from the sealed pouch and use it immediately.

✅ Have the donor sign and date the cup label.
The donor puts urine in the drug testing cup and caps it. Start the timer now.

✅ Operator checks cap tightness.

✅ Remove the peel-off label.

✅ Check the temperature strip label 4-5 minutes after specimen collection. The green color band will appear to indicate the temperature of the urine specimen. Adulterated specimens should be 90-100 degrees F (32-38 degrees C).

✅ Colored bands in test strip results reflect drug test results. Read the result in 5 minutes. Test results after 8 minutes are invalid.

✅ To confirm positive results, send the cup and urine sample intact to a toxicology lab for confirmation.


COLLECT: Remove the urine drug test cup from the sealed pouch as
soon as possible and use it. Have donor provide urine sample.

WAIT: Verify the temperature of the specimen after 2-4 minutes
by examining where the green band emerges.
On the relevant temperature line, a green band will emerge. 

READ: When you’re ready to read the results, remove the label.
The results of the tests should be read within 5 minutes. After 8 minutes, they are invalid.

How To Interpret Test Strip Results:

Positive 2 POSITIVE 1
Only one colored band appears in the control region ©.
No apparent colored band appears in the test region (T)


Negative 2 NEGATIVE 1
Two colored bands appear on the membrane.
One band appears in the control regions ©, and another in the test region(T).


Invalid 2 INVALID 1
Any result without a control band at the specified read time must be disregarded.
Retest the procedure. If the problem persists, discontinue using the kit and contact your local distributor.


All our products ship on the same day if
ordered Monday – Friday by 3:00 pm EST

  • USPS and FED EX Ground & Expedited Services are subject to delays due to labor challenges.
  • FED EX will not deliver to PO Boxes, and there are No Saturday or Sunday deliveries.
  • FED EX OVERNIGHT is delivered the next ‘business day’, only if your order is placed before 3:00PM EST.
  • FRIDAY OVERNIGHT orders are delivered on Monday and do not include holidays.

If you ordered through USPS, your label may not appear in their system for up to three days after they receive the package. The same thing can happen with FED Ex orders, despite the fact that they almost always appear in their system the night before they are dispatched. Please contact us if you have any queries about the progress of your order, and we will look into it.
FED EX uses 'business' days (Monday-Friday) for making air deliveries, so you'll get your package the next 'business' day after it's been shipped. Orders placed after 3:00 p.m. EST are not shipped the same day, therefore Next Day orders placed after 3:00 p.m. will be shipped the next business day.
Within one business day of placing your order, you will receive an email with your tracking number. It's possible that you didn't receive this email because it was entered improperly, forwarded to your spam folder, or was blocked. If you have not received this email, please contact us by phone or email and we will gladly update you on the progress of your shipment.
Returns for unused items are accepted as long as they are placed within 30 days of the purchase date. If the shipping is free at the time of order, we will incur a cost for each order that is dispatched, and you will be repaid the value of your order once we receive the returned goods, minus the shipping costs.

Video Instructions Drug Testing Cups NEW

¿Necesita un método preciso y rentable para detectar sustancias ilícitas? No busques más allá de Ovus Medical. Con nuestros suministros de pruebas de fármacos fiables y de acción rápida, detectará fácilmente muchos medicamentos en la orina humana. Con nuestros kits, los días de ansiedad y espera de resultados han terminado, ya que los resultados positivos se pueden ver en tan solo cinco minutos

En Ovus Medical, nos esforzamos por proporcionar a los centros de tratamiento de abuso de sustancias, instalaciones correctoras y médicos para su uso en el hogar o la oficina los mejores productos de laboratorio y suministros de pruebas de drogas disponibles en el mercado hoy en día.

  • Precisa y fiable.
  • Resultados en 5 minutos.
  • Para casa o oficina.
  • Envío del mismo día Mon-Fri.
  • Descuentos en masa disponibles.
  • Pruebas de drogas asequibles.


Amphetamines AMP 1-2 Days 1000 ng/mL
Barbiturates BAR 1-4 Days 300 ng/mL
Benzodiazepines BZO 1-2 Days 300 ng/mL
Buprenorphine BUP 2-6 Days 10 ng/mL
Cocaine COC 2-4 Days 300 ng/mL
Ecstasy MDMA 2-4 Days 500 ng/mL
Marijuana THC 15-30 Days 50 ng/mL
Methadone MTD 1-3 Days 300 ng/mL
Methamphetamine mAMP (or MET) 2-4 Days 1000 ng/mL
Morphine OPI 2-3 Days 300 ng/mL
Oxycodone OXY 1-3 Days 100 ng/mL
Tricyclic antidepressants TCA 2-7 Days 1000 ng/mL


More Info On 12 Panel Drug Test Cup TCA

Our 12-Panel Drug Test Cup brings drug testing into the current era. It is a watchdog for safety and speed. You can tell the difference between 12 different drugs from the comfort of your own home or the business of your office in just 5 minutes. Because it is designed to be easy for anyone to use, you don’t need any special skills to use its strong detection features.

Because it doesn’t leak, this beautiful cup makes sure that your samples stay clean, both physically and in terms of their integrity. No more having to wait weeks for results; choose our same-day shipping and enjoy the ease of testing at home or in the office. For needs that come in bulk, our prices will help you save even more. We have deals for the lab that never sleeps.

There is only one test that you need to take, so why bother with other ones? Our 12-Panel Cup, which is approved by the TCA, can hold the widest range of drugs, from legal prescription drugs to illegal drugs. There is no need to worry for employers, healthcare providers, or parents because the results are not only complete, but also carefully FDA and CLIA-waived.

Don’t let small things that could affect your health and well-being get away from you. Our test cup stands tall in a sea of doubt and second-guesses, ready to clear away any cloud of doubt with its past of quick and accurate results. Take charge right now, and your next drug test will show how accurate and quick we are.

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding 12 Panel Drug Tests with TCA
The Ultimate Guide to Understanding 12 Panel Drug Tests with TCA

Are you curious about 12 panel drug tests with TCA? In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into everything you need to know about these tests. Whether you’re an employer, a healthcare professional, or someone facing a drug test, understanding how these tests work is essential.

A 12 panel drug test with TCA is an advanced screening tool used to detect multiple drug classes in a person’s system. By testing for a combination of drugs, including THC, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines, and more, these tests provide a comprehensive analysis of an individual’s drug use.

In this guide, we will explore the science behind 12 panel drug tests with TCA, the substances they can detect, their accuracy, and how to interpret the results. We will also discuss the importance of proper sample collection and the different factors that can affect the testing process.

Whether you’re a concerned employer looking to maintain a drug-free workplace, a healthcare professional monitoring patient compliance, or simply someone preparing for a drug test, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions. So, let’s get started!

What is TCA and its relevance in drug testing?

Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are a class of medications commonly used to treat depression and other mental health disorders. However, they can also play a crucial role in drug testing. TCAs are metabolized by the body and can be detected in urine samples, making them an important component of 12 panel drug tests.

When a person takes TCAs, their body breaks down these medications into metabolites that can be detected in urine. These metabolites serve as indicators of TCA use, providing valuable information to employers, healthcare professionals, and testing laboratories. By including TCA testing in a 12 panel drug test, a more complete picture of a person’s drug use can be obtained.

Understanding the 12 drugs detected in a 12 Panel Drug Test with TCA

A 12 panel drug test with TCA screens for a wide range of substances. Let’s take a closer look at the 12 drugs that can be detected in these tests:

1. THC (Marijuana): The active compound in marijuana, THC, can be detected in urine for up to 30 days after use, depending on frequency and dosage.

2. Cocaine: Cocaine, a powerful stimulant, can be detected in urine for up to 4 days after use.

3. Opiates: This category includes drugs such as codeine, morphine, and heroin. Opiates can be detected in urine for up to 3 days after use.

4. Amphetamines: Drugs like Adderall and methamphetamine fall into this category. Amphetamines can be detected in urine for up to 3 days after use.

5. Methamphetamines: Methamphetamines, commonly known as meth, can be detected in urine for up to 3 days after use.

6. Benzodiazepines: Medications like Xanax and Valium fall into this category. Benzodiazepines can be detected in urine for up to 4 days after use.

7. Barbiturates: These drugs, such as phenobarbital, can be detected in urine for up to 4 days after use.

8. Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs): As mentioned earlier, these medications can be detected in urine, providing insights into a person’s TCA use.

9. Propoxyphene: This painkiller can be detected in urine for up to 1 to 2 days after use.

10. Methadone: Methadone, commonly used to treat opioid addiction, can be detected in urine for up to 3 days after use.

11. Oxycodone: A powerful painkiller, oxycodone can be detected in urine for up to 3 days after use.

12. Phencyclidine (PCP): Also known as angel dust, PCP can be detected in urine for up to 7 days after use.

How does a 12 Panel Drug Test with TCA work?

A 12 panel drug test with TCA utilizes immunoassay technology to detect the presence of various drugs in a person’s urine. Immunoassay tests work by using antibodies that specifically bind to the targeted drugs or their metabolites.

When a urine sample is collected, it is divided into two portions. The first portion is subjected to the initial immunoassay screening, which detects the presence or absence of the 12 drugs included in the panel. If the immunoassay test produces a negative result, meaning no drugs were detected, the test is considered complete.

However, if the immunoassay test yields a positive result, indicating the presence of one or more drugs, the second portion of the urine sample is subjected to confirmatory testing. This confirmatory testing, typically performed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) or liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), provides more accurate and precise results.

The combination of immunoassay screening and confirmatory testing ensures reliable and comprehensive drug detection in a 12 panel drug test with TCA.

Pros and cons of using a 12 Panel Drug Test with TCA

Like any drug testing method, 12 panel drug tests with TCA have their advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the pros and cons associated with these tests:


1. Comprehensive Analysis: A 12 panel drug test with TCA provides a comprehensive analysis of an individual’s drug use by testing for a wide range of substances.

2. Efficiency: These tests can be conducted quickly and easily, providing rapid results.

3. Multi-purpose: 12 panel drug tests with TCA can be used by employers, healthcare professionals, and individuals alike, making them versatile.


1. Limited Detection Window: Depending on the drug, some substances may only be detectable for a short period after use, potentially leading to false-negative results.

2. Cost: Compared to single panel drug tests, 12 panel tests with TCA can be more expensive due to the wider range of substances being tested.

3. Privacy Concerns: Some individuals may feel that 12 panel drug tests with TCA infringe upon their privacy rights, as they detect a broad range of substances.

While the benefits of using a 12 panel drug test with TCA outweigh the drawbacks for many employers and healthcare professionals, it’s essential to consider these factors when deciding on the appropriate testing method.

How to prepare for a 12 Panel Drug Test with TCA

If you’re facing a 12 panel drug test with TCA, there are several steps you can take to ensure accurate and reliable results. Here’s a guide on how to prepare for the test:

1. Research the Testing Process: Familiarize yourself with the testing procedure, including the collection method and any specific instructions provided by the testing facility.

2. Review Medications and Supplements: Make a list of any prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, and supplements you’re currently taking. Some substances may interfere with the test results, so it’s essential to disclose this information to the testing facility.

3. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to the test can help ensure an adequate urine sample. However, avoid excessive fluid intake immediately before the test, as it may dilute the urine and affect the accuracy of the results.

4. Avoid Drug Use: It goes without saying that abstaining from drug use is crucial before a drug test. Depending on the substance, drugs can be detectable in urine for varying lengths of time. To ensure accurate results, refrain from using any drugs included in the 12 panel test.

By following these preparation tips, you can increase the chances of obtaining accurate and reliable results from your 12 panel drug test with TCA.

Interpreting the results of a 12 Panel Drug Test with TCA

Understanding how to interpret the results of a 12 panel drug test with TCA is essential to make informed decisions. Here’s a breakdown of the possible outcomes and their implications:

1. Negative Result: A negative result means that none of the tested drugs were detected in the urine sample. This indicates that the individual likely abstained from drug use for the detection window associated with each substance.

2. Positive Result: A positive result indicates the presence of one or more drugs in the urine sample. However, it’s important to note that a positive result does not necessarily indicate current drug use. Some drugs, such as THC, can be detected in urine for an extended period after use.

3. Inconclusive Result: In some cases, a drug test may produce an inconclusive result, meaning the results are neither clearly positive nor negative. Inconclusive results may occur due to various factors, such as insufficient sample volume or laboratory errors. If an inconclusive result occurs, it’s essential to repeat the test for accurate results.

When interpreting the results of a 12 panel drug test with TCA, it’s crucial to consider the detection window for each drug, the individual’s medical history, and any medications or supplements they may be taking.

Frequently asked questions about 12 Panel Drug Tests with TCA

1. Are 12 panel drug tests with TCA legally compliant? Yes, 12 panel drug tests with TCA are legally compliant. However, it’s essential to follow applicable laws and regulations regarding drug testing in your jurisdiction.

2. Can a 12 panel drug test with TCA detect recent drug use? Yes, a 12 panel drug test with TCA can detect recent drug use. However, the detection window varies depending on the drug being tested.

3. Can medications interfere with the results of a 12 panel drug test with TCA? Yes, certain medications can interfere with the results of a 12 panel drug test with TCA. It’s important to disclose any medications or supplements you’re taking to the testing facility.

4. Can a 12 panel drug test with TCA be used for pre-employment screening? Yes, many employers use 12 panel drug tests with TCA for pre-employment screening to ensure a drug-free workplace.

5. Can secondhand marijuana smoke cause a positive result in a 12 panel drug test with TCA? While it’s unlikely, exposure to secondhand marijuana smoke can potentially result in a positive THC test. However, the levels detected are usually well below the cutoff limit used in drug testing.

Importance of accurate and reliable drug testing

Accurate and reliable drug testing, such as a 12 panel drug test with TCA, is crucial for various reasons:

1. Maintaining a Drug-Free Workplace: Employers use drug testing to create a safe and productive work environment by deterring drug use among employees.

2. Monitoring Patient Compliance: Healthcare professionals rely on drug testing to ensure patients are following prescribed treatments and avoiding illicit drug use.

3. Identifying Substance Abuse Issues: Drug testing can help identify individuals who may be struggling with substance abuse, allowing for appropriate intervention and support.

4. Legal Compliance: Drug testing may be necessary for compliance with legal requirements, such as probation or parole.

By conducting accurate and reliable drug testing, employers and healthcare professionals can make informed decisions and promote the well-being of individuals and the community as a whole.

Conclusion and final thoughts

In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the world of 12 panel drug tests with TCA. We’ve discussed what TCA is and its relevance in drug testing, the 12 drugs detected in these tests, how they work, and the pros and cons associated with their use. We’ve also covered how to prepare for a 12 panel drug test with TCA, how to interpret the results, and addressed frequently asked questions.

Whether you’re an employer striving for a drug-free workplace, a healthcare professional monitoring patient compliance, or simply someone facing a drug test, understanding the intricacies of 12 panel drug tests with TCA is essential. Armed with this knowledge, you can make informed decisions and contribute to a healthier and safer environment.

Remember, accurate and reliable drug testing plays a vital role in ensuring the well-being of individuals and communities. By utilizing advanced screening tools like 12 panel drug tests with TCA, we can continue to tackle the challenges posed by drug use and promote a healthier future for all.

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