13 Panel Oral Swabs

13 Panel Oral Swabs

Drugs Tested
AMP/50, OPI/40, MET/50, BZO/50, COC/20, MTD/30, OXY/20, BUP/5, MDMA/50, THC/40, BAR/50, PCP/10, FEN/10

BULK PRICING CALL: 1 800-921-8241

Saliva Drug Test
Oral Swabs (13 panels)

25 swabs
50 swabs
100 swabs
200 swabs
400 swabs
600 swabs
800 swabs
1,000 swabs
2,000+ swabs

Testing Instructions

Food, drink, gum, tobacco, and all other substances should be avoided for at least 10 minutes before conducting the oral swab test. Ensure the swab is brought to room temperature before use. The collection stick and test tube should be kept in protective packaging until the operator can perform the test.

  1. The sponge end of the collection stick is used to collect human saliva from the inner cheek. Insert the sponge end into the mouth for between 3 and 5 minutes. Ensure the swab is soaked in saliva for accurate testing results. If the collected amount is inadequate for testing, collect additional saliva using a new collection stick.
  2. Holding the collection stick vertically, insert it into the test tube. Placing the groove of the collection stick into the guide rail of the test tube for a proper seal.
  3. Close the test tube by pressing down on the lid.
  4. The test tube should be kept in a vertical position. Results can be read after ten minutes of closing the test tube lid. Results should not be interpreted after one hour.

Interpreting Results

If the sample has more of the drug than the cutoff amount, the test result for that drug in that testing zone is positive. This is shown by a single band of color in the control area. One colorful band in the right place for the test.

In each control area, a negative result is shown by a colored band. A colored band in the right place for the test. A negative finding means that the drug level in the sample is below the cutoff level for that testing zone.

If no colored band appears in the control indicator of the saliva test, the result is invalid. The test must be performed again. If the problem persists, you may contact your local distributor.




Drugs Tested

Amphetamine (AMP), Barbiturate (BAR), Benzodiazepine (BZO), Buprenorphine (BUP), Cocaine (COC), Marijuana (THC), MDMA (MDMA/Molly), Methamphetamine (MET), Oxycodone (OXY), Phencyclidine (PCP), Opiate (Morphine) OPI, Methadone (MTD), Fentanyl (FYL)


Cut-off Levels

Cutoff concentrations for oral swab drug tests adhere to the guidelines set by SAMHSA for determining drug abuse. These concentrations reflect levels of parent drugs. Their metabolites consistent with abuse and not therapeutic applications. Cutoff concentrations expressed in nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) and adjusted as follows:

Cutoff levels

Drug Name Abbreviation Detection time Cut-Off Level
Amphetamines AMP 1-2 Days 1000 ng/mL
Barbiturates BAR 1-4 Days 300 ng/mL
Benzodiazepines BZO 1-2 Days 300 ng/mL
Buprenorphine BUP 2-6 Days 10 ng/mL
Cocaine COC 2-4 Days 300 ng/mL
Ecstasy MDMA 2-4 Days 500 ng/mL
Fentanyl FYL 2-3 Days 200 ng/mL
Marijuana THC 5+ Days 50 ng/mL
Methadone MTD 1-3 Days 300 ng/mL
Methamphetamine mAMP (or MET) 2-4 Days 1000 ng/mL
Morphine OPI 2-3 Days 300 ng/mL
Oxycodone OXY 1-3 Days 100 ng/mL
Phencyclidine PCP 7-14 Days 25 ng/mL

Samples that test positive during an oral swab initial screening should be sent to the laboratory. Further confirmation using a liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) test.


Delivery & Shipping

  • USPS and FED EX Ground & Expedited Services are subject to delays due to labor challenges.
  • FED EX will not deliver to PO Boxes, and there are No Saturday or Sunday deliveries.
  • FED EX OVERNIGHT is delivered the next ‘business day’, only if your order is placed before 3:00PM EST.
  • FRIDAY OVERNIGHT orders are delivered on Monday and do not include holidays.

If you ordered through USPS, your label may not appear in their system for up to three days after they receive the package. The same thing can happen with FED Ex orders, despite the fact that they almost always appear in their system the night before they are dispatched. Please contact us if you have any queries about the progress of your order, and we will look into it.
FED EX uses 'business' days (Monday-Friday) for making air deliveries, so you'll get your package the next 'business' day after it's been shipped. Orders placed after 3:00 p.m. EST are not shipped the same day, therefore Next Day orders placed after 3:00 p.m. will be shipped the next business day.
Within one business day of placing your order, you will receive an email with your tracking number. It's possible that you didn't receive this email because it was entered improperly, forwarded to your spam folder, or was blocked. If you have not received this email, please contact us by phone or email and we will gladly update you on the progress of your shipment.
Returns for unused items are accepted as long as they are placed within 30 days of the purchase date. If the shipping is free at the time of order, we will incur a cost for each order that is dispatched, and you will be repaid the value of your order once we receive the returned goods, minus the shipping costs.

Instruction Video

Video Instructions Testing Oral Swabs - ovusmedical.com

Forensic Use

What is Forensic use only?

Forensic Use Only devices are meant to be sold for research purposes only. The FDA does not regulate these devices, and they are solely to be used as screening instruments. Please send the device to a laboratory for confirmation if more information is needed about the results of a forensic use only drug test.

Courts, police departments, probation/parole offices, juvenile detention centers, prisons, jails, correction centers, and other law enforcement organizations, as well as laboratories or other establishments that provide forensic testing for these institutions, are all eligible users.

Forensic Applications Only gadgets are not designed, tested, manufactured, or labeled for use in other settings such as clinical diagnostics or the workplace.

What does it mean when something says “For Forensic Use Only”?

This indicates that the drug testing gadget has not received FDA 510k approval. This type of drug test should not be used for job screening, pain management screening, or any other reason. These tests are only used in law enforcement, prisons, the military, and other government institutions to test for drugs.

What products are included in this category?

Some saliva/oral drug detection products are only meant to be used in forensic situations. Furthermore, some specialty tests (such as our K2/Spice drug test) are designed exclusively for forensic use. This category could possibly include other screening equipment. Any forensic-only equipment on our site will be explicitly stated on the product page.


ovusmedical.com oral swab instruction  


  • 13 Panel Saliva Drug Test
  • Results in under 5 minutes
  • Able to Photocopy
  • No need for Restrooms
  • Difficult to Adulterate
  • Easily Transport to Labs
  • Forensic Use Only
  • Detects drugs 24-72 hours after use. 
  • Saliva drug test detects 13 drugs quickly and accurately.

13 Panel Oral Swabs

Use the Saliva Drug Test: Oral Swabs (13 panels) from Ovus Medical to protect yourself and others. Our saliva drug test is a simple and effective screening tool for drug detection that can be utilized in a variety of contexts, including substance abuse treatment facilities, workplace drug testing, and medical appointments. This precise 10-panel test can detect the presence of multiple substances for up to 72 hours after administration.

The saliva drug test from Ovus Medical identifies ten legal and illegal substances with rapid and precise results.

Saliva Drug Test: Oral Swabs (13 panels) It is a rapid screening technique that facilitates simultaneous drug detection with results that are simple to interpret.

Our comprehensive saliva drug test is a reliable oral fluid screening suitable for correctional testing, drug detection in the workplace, and rehabilitation services. The test can detect recent drug use or the presence of drugs in the system 24–72 hours after use.

POSITIVE 2 Positive
Only one colored band appears, in the control region (C). No apparent colored band appears in the test region (T)




Two colored bands appear on the membrane. One brand appears in the control regions (C) and another band appears in the test region (T).




The control band fails to appear. Results from any test that has not produced a control band at the specified read time must be discarded. Please review the procedure and repeat it with a new test. If the problems persist, immediately contact your local distributor. 



Ovus Medical’s 13 Panel Oral Swabs is a rapid screening tool that detects 13 chemicals in legal or illegal drugs with results that are easy to interpret. 

What chemicals can this drug test swab kit detect?

The 13-panel saliva drug screen kit can detect the following chemicals, which the Drug Enforcement Agency says are among the most commonly abused substances and dangerous drugs in the United States:.

  • AMP: Amphetamines/1000
  • OPI: Opiate/300
  • MET: Methamphetamines/1000
  • BZO: Benzodiazepines/300
  • COC: Cocaine/300
  • MTD: Methadone/300
  • OXY: Oxycodone/100
  • BUP: Buprenorphine/10
  • MDMA: Methylenedioxymethamphetamine/500 or Ecstacy
  • THC: Cannabinoid (Marijuana)/50
  • BAR: Barbiturates/50
  • FYL – Fentanyl/20
  • PCP: Phenylcyclohexyl piperidine (PCP)/25


Dangerous drugs and the workforce

Drug use and abuse could cause workplace performance to deteriorate; thus, employers cannot afford to have drug abusers in their workforce. Businesses take steps to ensure a safe workplace in order to prevent incidents that are the result of drug abuse.

  • Pre-employment screening to immediately exclude drug users and abusers from the workforce. This can be carried out quite easily with convenient-to-use drug test swab kits. Ovus Medical sells the 13-panel saliva drug test kits in bulk, which is ideal when they must be administered to many individuals.
  • Random drug testing helps deter drug abuse in the workplace. The knowledge that a drug test will be run anytime makes employees think twice about taking drugs and alcohol. It ensures that employees are sober. More importantly, it prevents drug-related incidents that affect workplace productivity. 
  • Post-accident testing in the workplace helps ensure that accidents are immediately and effectively handled, especially if they are suspected to be drug use-related. Such accidents could also result in a loss of productivity and job performance, low employee morale, and conflicts in the workplace.

Outside of workplace scenarios, drug testing is done to monitor the progress of individuals undergoing rehabilitation for substance abuse. It helps prevent them from going into relapse.

Probation officers also use it to make sure that probationers are not taking illegal drugs or abusing alcohol.


Features of the 13-Panel Oral Swab Test Kits

Simple and effective screening tool for drug detection. The results come out in under 5 minutes after conducting the test.

  1. It can detect the presence of multiple substances accurately.
  2. It can detect recent drug use or the presence of drugs in the system 24-72 hours after use.
  3. Unlike urine drug testing cups, one need not go to the restroom to perform the test using this saliva drug screen kit. It can be done anywhere where you are comfortable.
  4. It is difficult to adulterate this test kit. Thus, you can be sure you have a genuine test kit, especially if you buy it from Ovus Medical.
  5. You may photocopy the test results.
  6. The drug test results are for forensic use only.


How to administer the test


  1. Make sure you have had no food or drink for at least 10 minutes before doing the test.
  2. Rip open the packet and take the testing device out carefully.
  3. Remove the swab from the testing device.
  4. Using the sponge end of the swab, wipe the insides of your cheeks several times.
  5. Let it stay in your mouth until you see color in the test swab’s indicator window.
  6. Do not bite, suck, or chew the sponge.
  7. Remove the swab from your mouth and insert it into the device.
  8. Read the results of the test in no longer than 5 minutes.
  9. Screw the top down lightly until it fully locks, ready for transport to the lab. 


How to Read the Test


  1. If a colored band appears in the control region (C) and nothing appears in the test region, you have just tested positive.
  2. When two colored bands appear on the membrane, one in the control region (C) and the other in the test (T) region, this is a negative test.
  3. When the colored bands fail to appear in any of the two regions, discard your test kit. Review the procedure and repeat it with a new test kit. If the test fails again, immediately contact your local distributor

    Results from any test that have not produced a colored band at the specified read time must be discarded.
    please contact your local distributor as soon as possible. Please review the procedure and repeat it with a new test. If the problems persist, please contact your local distributor as soon as possible. 


    Master the Saliva Drug Test with 13 Panel Oral Swabs: The Ultimate Tool for Precision Drug Detection

    Drug testing has evolved significantly in recent years, making it easier than ever to detect the presence of various substances in the body. The 13-Panel Oral Swab from Ovus Medical is at the forefront of this evolution, offering a cutting-edge, non-invasive solution for drug screening. With the ability to detect a wide range of drugs in just a few minutes, this tool is an indispensable resource for employers, parents, and medical professionals working in substance abuse counseling or healthcare.

    In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the benefits and applications of the 13 Panel Oral Swab, providing practical insights that will empower you to use this tool effectively and responsibly.

    Unveil the 13 Panels: What Can the Saliva Drug Test Detect?

    The beauty of the 13-panel oral swab lies in its capability to detect a vast array of substances. From common drugs like cannabis and cocaine to prescription medications and designer drugs, this test covers a broad spectrum of compounds that are often a cause for concern in various environments.

    Here’s a breakdown of what the 13-panel oral swab can detect:

    • Cocaine
    • Marijuana (THC)
    • Opiates (Morphine & Codeine)
    • Amphetamines
    • Methamphetamines
    • Methadone
    • Benzodiazepines
    • Barbiturates
    • PCP
    • MDMA
    • Oxycodone
    • Buprenorphine
    • Tricyclic Antidepressants

    With this level of depth, the 13-Panel Oral Swab is an all-encompassing solution for any institution or individual looking to ensure a drug-free environment.

    Quick and Accurate: How the Saliva Drug Test Makes a Difference

    The efficiency of the 13 Panel Oral Swab is another standout feature. Unlike traditional drug tests that require urine samples and can take days to produce results, this oral swab allows you to detect the presence of drugs almost immediately. This rapid turnaround time not only aids in swift decision-making but also serves as a deterrent for individuals considering drug use.

    Furthermore, the accuracy of the results is a testament to the advanced technology underpinning the 13-panel oral swabs. You can trust that the readings are reliable and reflective of the individual’s current drug status.

    Ease of Use: Implementing the Saliva Drug Test in Your Environment

    Employing the 13 Panel Oral Swab in your drug testing protocol is remarkably straightforward. The test comes with clear instructions that anyone can follow, which contributes to its versatility across different settings. Whether you’re conducting random drug tests at the workplace or monitoring drug rehabilitation program participants, the simplicity of this test ensures a hassle-free experience.

    Adulteration-Resistant: A Secure Screening Method

    One of the biggest challenges with drug testing is the potential for sample adulteration, which can skew results. Unlike urine tests, the 13-panel oral swabs are difficult to adulterate, ensuring the integrity of each screening. This makes it an ideal choice for employment drug testing, as employers can feel confident in their ability to get accurate readings without the worry of tampering.

    Mobility and Convenience: The Saliva Drug Test Anywhere, Anytime

    The portability of the 13-Panel Oral Swab allows you to conduct drug tests on the go. There’s no need for privacy or restrooms, which makes it an excellent option for mobile testing units or professionals who need to administer tests in various locations.

    Additionally, the ability to photocopy individual tests for record-keeping or further analysis is a unique convenience that sets this test apart.

    Integration with Lab Processes: From Swab to Result

    The 13 Panel Oral Swab is more than just a standalone test; it seamlessly integrates with lab workflows for those situations that require more detailed analysis. Once the swab is taken, it can be easily transported and prepared for more comprehensive testing if the situation demands it.

    24-72-Hour Detection Window: A Balanced Coverage of Drug Use

    The window of detection for the 13 Panel Oral Swab is particularly useful, capturing drug usage within the last 24–72 hours. This time frame aligns with the needs of various industries and is especially crucial in post-accident scenarios where immediate testing is required to determine liability accurately.

    For Forensic Use Only: A Testament to the Test’s Reliability

    The 13-panel oral swab is labeled for “forensic use only,” indicating its suitability for legal and official purposes. This recognition is a nod to the test’s robustness and accuracy, solidifying its place in settings where results carry significant weight.

    Educating with Test Results: A Starting Point for Intervention

    The insights gleaned from a 13-panel oral swab test can be a powerful educational tool. Whether it’s about personal health or safety in the workplace, the test results offer a starting point for meaningful interventions and support. This educational aspect is invaluable, especially for parents and educators looking to guide young individuals away from drugs.

    The Human Element: Addressing Sensitivities with Empathy

    It’s essential to adopt a compassionate approach when incorporating drug tests like the 13-Panel Oral Swab. While the aim is to create a safer and healthier environment, the human aspect cannot be overlooked. Sensitivity and empathy in the testing process can make a significant difference in its reception and effectiveness.

    Leveraging Data Insights: Trends and Patterns in Drug Use

    Accumulating data from multiple 13 panel oral swabs can reveal patterns and trends in drug use within a particular group or community. These insights can inform policy decisions, resource allocation, and targeted interventions to address specific issues.

    The Future of Drug Testing: Innovation and Adaptation

    As technology continues to advance, so will the field of drug testing. The 13-Panel Oral Swab from Ovus Medical is a testament to this notion, consistently evolving to meet the changing demands of different sectors. Keeping an eye on future innovations and staying adaptable will be key to leveraging the full potential of drug testing tools.

    In conclusion, the 13-Panel Oral Swab is more than just a drug test; it’s a pivotal instrument in creating safe, drug-free environments and fostering health and well-being. Its features and benefits extend to a wide range of applications, serving as a testament to its efficacy and utility.

    To learn more about the 13 Panel Oral Swab from Ovus Medical and how it can serve your testing needs, visit our website or get in touch with our team today.

    For more insightful articles, tips, and updates on drug testing technologies and practices, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter.

    Our commitment to advancing health and safety in the workplace, schools, and communities continues to drive our innovation and research in the field. Stay informed with Ovus Medical as your trusted partner in drug testing solutions.

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