What Are the Cut Off Levels for Drug Testing?

Drug testing uses a cut-off level to determine the concentration of drugs and drug metabolites in your urine, blood sample, saliva, and hair. There is a safety risk if the results are equal to or above the recommended cut-off levels. If your sample is below the...

What Happens If You Fail a Random Drug Test?

It’s a Manic Monday! You still feel light-headed from last night’s booze party. As you drive yourself to work, you silently wish your supervisor won’t ask you to take your sunglasses off. But luck against luck, he tells you you’ll have a random...

Where to Buy Drug Test Kits?

Purchase Drug Testing Kits Here Where to Buy Drug Test Kits – People who overused illegal substances used to get away with it since drug tests were few. In the past, innocent people were convicted of drug usage. Because they couldn’t prove their innocence....

Will Tramadol Make You Fail a Drug Test?

Tramadol is a relatively new pain medicine, having been in use for just a quarter of a century. Like many other such products, Tramadol is an opioid drug because it can produce effects similar to morphine by acting on the body’s opioid receptors. Most of the products...

Does CBD Oil Show Up On a Drug Test?

Purchase THC Testing Strips Here Thanks to changing laws, more people all over the world today can enjoy the medicinal benefits of marijuana.  Governments that prohibited marijuana in the past no longer see it as a dangerous and illegal drug. Marijuana has gotten a...
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