Pregnancy Strips Accuracy

  • For accurate results, a pregnancy test kit must use in the morning.
  • Test kits recognize the presence of hCG in the urine.
  • the growing embryo produces hCG, i.e., it is present only during pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy test kits give results in just 5 minutes.

First things first, pregnancy test strips work by detecting pregnancy hormone from a woman’s urine sample. This hormone, called hCG or human chorionic gonadotropin, is a glycoprotein hormone produced by the developing embryo during pregnancy—home test kit.

After six days of conception, the fertilized egg implants the uterus and, in the process, produces hCG. However, it is evident from many studies that in ten percent of women, implantation occurs even after the first day of the missed period. But, in all cases, the level of hCG builds up rapidly every day.

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Using the Pregnancy Test Strips

  • The pregnancy test strip must be preferably used in the morning for more accurate results. This is because the first-morning sample has the highest concentration of hCG level.
  • Urinate into a clean cup.
  • Dip the test strip into the urine sample and ensure that you hold them vertically.
  • Wait for few seconds until you notice red dye moving towards the result window.
  • Within 5 minutes, you can read the result.


The Accuracy of Pregnancy Strips


Reading the Pregnancy Test Results

While you are waiting to read your pregnancy test results, you will notice a colored solution moving across the test area towards the result area. This migration is normal and indicates that the test is progressing correctly. Wait for a few minutes (according to the time mentioned in the manual).

  • If only one line appears in the ‘control zone,’ the test is negative, and you are not pregnant.
  • Suppose one line appears in the ‘control zone’ and the other in the result area. Then the test is positive, and you are pregnant.
  • However, there may be a chance that you get no band in the strip’s result area. This may be due to your inability to following instructions or an insufficient amount of urine specimen.

When checking for pregnancy with the help of a pregnancy test kit. You need to follow the instructions as mentioned on the label.

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Limitations of Test

The test works only if the instructions followed precisely. Although the test is highly accurate in detecting pregnancy, a low incidence of false results can occur. Check with your doctor if you have unexpected or inconsistent test results. Certain health conditions can also cause a false or irregular test result. The following factors should not affect the test results: alcohol, analgesics (pain killers), antibiotics, and birth control pills. The test should not use after the expiration date shown on the package. The Pregnancy Test Strips are greater than 99% accurate.

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