Ovus Medical Articles
Home Urine Test: Can You Reuse a Drug Test?
Drug abuse has negative impacts on a person's health and family. But it also places a heavy burden on companies, costing...
Should You Reuse A Drug Test?
Do you know that in 2021, about 100,306 people died from substance abuse? This marked a 28.5 % increase in deaths from 2020....
5 Drug Testing Points to Keep in Mind for Family Lawyers
A drug test report can make all the difference in whether you win or lose a family law lawsuit. Drug testing procedures are...
The Different Types of Drug Test Kits: Which One is Right for Your Business?
If you're looking for a reliable and accurate drug test kit for your business, you've come to the right place. In this blog...
Drug Test Results: What Does a Faint Line on a Drug Test Mean?
More than 10 million people a year are likely to spend time anxiously awaiting their drug test results in the United States....
A Guide to Drug Test Cups
It's hard to beat simple but thoroughly-tested drug test cups for accurate, almost instant drug test results. Before using one,...
Where to Find Drug Tests Near Me
Where to find drug tests - Did you know that 40 to 60% of people with substance use disorders relapse? Sometimes, relapse...
Drug Test Kits: A Comprehensive Guide
Are you a company that needs to ensure its employees are drug-free? If yes, browse through this quick resource from the...
Why Is Fentanyl So Dangerous?
One of the top reasons that fentanyl is so dangerous is how fast it works and how potent it can be. It's 50 times stronger than...