Ovus Medical Articles

Can Employers Drug Test Employees After Cannabis Legalization?
Cannabis Legalization Cannabis Employee Drug Testing: Nowadays, the buzzing word on every employer mind is “cannabis...

Drug Test Cups – What You Should Know About Drug Screening?
Drug screening kits Drug addiction is no more a hidden tale—two out of every three youngsters and adults now addicted to drugs...

5 Blunders Employers Make In Pre-Employment Drug Testing Programs
Pre-Employment Drug Testing Programs Drug testing has become a prevalent norm for a growing number of companies around the...

Is It Safe To Conduct Home Drug Tests?
Home Drug Tests Most parents live under constant fear of their children addicted to illegal drugs. Be it under the influence of...

Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Alcohol and Drug Abuse by teens is prevalent and can have serious consequences. In the 15-24 year age range, 50% of deaths (from...

Urine Drug Tests Kits. Purposes and Types
Ascertain whether an individual has administered drugs of abuse or not. Drug testing is commonly employed to check for the...

5 Most Abused Drugs in the United States
Most Abused Drugs in the United States Drug abuse in the united states - While it is nearly impossible to measure the exact...

The Accuracy of Pregnancy Strips
Pregnancy Strips Accuracy For accurate results, a pregnancy test kit must use in the morning. Test kits recognize the presence...

What Does CLIA Waived Mean.?
Understanding the term "What does CLIA Waived mean?" is essential for anyone involved in the healthcare industry or for those...