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How to Improve drug rehab services, how to do it? Drug rehabs are an important part of the nation’s approach to substance misuse. If these facilities aren’t up to pace, law enforcement and drug testing efforts will wasted.

While it’s wonderful that several of these institutions have developed, their rapid growth is concerning. Unregulated, the “addiction therapy” industry has quality control difficulties. Many of these businesses use pseudo-science and in need of improving services of drug rehabs across the country.

Snake oil treatments and imaginative ideas are legal in a free democracy like ours. When dubious cures force individuals to forgo valuable help, we have a problem.

Assuring quality among drug rehab centers throughout America is an extremely tall order: It may even be impractical to ensure quality without having to padlock a good number of establishments. There a number of valuable pointers to bear in mind to improve drug rehabs and how they run.

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Drug Rehabs: How to Improve drug rehab services?

1. Never forgo hard science

Drug rehab centers should adopt holistic outlooks to treatment and be open to various approaches that may contribute to the overall well-being of their patients. These so-called humanistic principles that regard the patient as a total person who needs spiritual as well as mental and physical healing will not hurt. They can only be harmful if they constitute the totality of the treatment and rehabilitation in the facility’s program and displace actual scientifically-founded methods.

There is significant anecdotal evidence of miraculous healing at rehab institutions where patients submitted to a higher force. It’s not something patients should expect at these hospitals. Even clergy who pray over these patients promote the correct and compliant use of drugs at treatment facilities.

2. Praise the Lord, and pass the medication

The belief that the only way to kick the drug habit is to quit cold turkey is both archaic and potentially harmful. Many patients suffering from substance abuse or addiction are in need of appropriate detoxification medicines for long-term, stable recovery.

Local legislation must changed to give all opioid-addicted individuals access to these treatments. Not all facilities are legally and technically equipped to provide such care. Some treatment institutions still adhere to the abstinence-only model of substance withdrawal, regardless of their patients’ circumstances.

A cold-turkey strategy is ineffective and dangerous. Patients who overdosed shortly after leaving treatment were not told of the function of maintenance medication in reducing mortality risk.

3. Consider more outpatient treatment

Allowing patients to go home to their families and communities has proven as a more effective approach in drug rehab. Better than requiring them to remain in the facilities for the duration of their treatment. Outpatient maintenance with appropriately administered drugs such as buprenorphine or methadone has been shown to reduce mortality by at least half.

We dispel the idea that the optimal drug recovery program one performed exclusively in a resort or spa-like institution, as many celebrities have done. Complete recovery involves reintegration into one’s life, and not merely being kept off drugs while in the custody of a treatment center.

4. Enforce real standards

Developing and following national standards of care would rationalize drug recovery efforts across America. Patients who want to overcome substance misuse shouldn’t shortchanged treatment or diagnosis.

Drug tests should only be limited to the reliable products that are FDA approved and CLIA waived. Check out the Ovus Medical site to learn more about these tests and the many issues surrounding drug rehabilitation.

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