Purchase Drug Testing Kits Here

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare to learn that their child has been abusing drugs or other substances. Unfortunately, with today’s reality, it’s a possibility that one cannot ignore it. That’s why a CVS Drug Testing Kit can be useful.

Around 19.7 million Americans aged 12 and above suffer from substance abuse disorder, based on figures from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health in 2017. The UN’s World Drug Report 2019 says opioid overdose deaths in the country increased by 13% from 2016 to 2017.

If you know that someone you care about is abusing illegal or prescribed substances, you can get proper treatment for them. Timely intervention is crucial and may even save a life.

The first step is to find out if your fears are correct. Getting someone to see a doctor or go to a lab for drug testing is not that easy. This is because of the stigma that often comes with drug addiction.

What can help is testing in the privacy of your home using a home drug testing kit? Test kits are not only easy to use, but you can buy them at your neighborhood drug store like CVS. You can also buy them online.

Online or CVS drug testing kit: Which should you buy?

If you’re unsure whether to buy a drug testing kit online or a CVS drug testing kit, here are the things to consider:

Convenience cvs1

Is there a CVS near you? If so, a CVS drug testing kit might seem like the more convenient option. But when you buy online, you don’t even need to leave home, as they can deliver the kit to your doorstep. That’s a convenience that’s hard to beat.


Testing someone close to you for drug use is something you’d like to keep private. Buying at a public store like CVS can make that difficult. It’s hard to avoid curious or suspicious looks from strangers. Worse, you might even bump into someone you know. When you buy online, only you and the supplier will know about it.


drug test’s accuracy is not determined by where you buy it. Many drug testing kits found in a CVS store are also sold online. You will get better and most accurate results if you choose a high-quality testing kit and follow the instructions that come with the kit.

Price ovus medial clia waived srug testing supplies

The price of a CVS Drug Testing Kit can sometimes be three times more than online tests. Why? Because CVS tests come with a free lab analysis in case you get a positive result. But do you want to pay more for a potential free lab test? If the test comes up negative, you would have spent more money for nothing. But perhaps the result is positive, then will you need a laboratory confirmation before you take action?

If you use an online CLIA-waived drug testing cup, you can assure yourself of 99% accuracy. CLIA-waived drug testing cups are easy to use. They are FDA approved. For instance, pre-employment screening and sports tests. Some CLIA-waived tests even come with safeguards to screen adulterants, or substances that can affect the result of the test.

Time is of the essence when helping someone with substance abuse. Online CLIA-waived home drug testing kits offer you the confidence and reliability you need to take swift and decisive action.

Would you like to learn more about this topic? Visit the Ovus Medical blog. We have everything you need to know when it comes to drug testing cups.

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