Why Is Fentanyl So Dangerous?

One of the top reasons that fentanyl is so dangerous is how fast it works and how potent it can be. It’s 50 times stronger than heroin. And it only takes such a small amount to be fatal. Less 200 micrograms. About the size of a grain of salt.  Its speed and...

What is Norfentanyl?

What is norfentanyl? Norfentanyl, a metabolite of fentanyl, is a powerful, fast-acting synthetic narcotic analgesic with a fast action duration. The Drug Enforcement Administration and the U.S. Department of Justice have classified Norfentanyl as a Schedule II drug....


Nearly every American knows someone who has lost their life or the life of a loved one to an opioid overdose. Unfortunately, deaths from synthetic opioids like fentanyl have skyrocketed in the past decade, taking 12 times as many lives in 2019 than in 2013. Fentanyl...
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