Ovus Medical Articles
How To Drug testing for Fentanyl
What are fentanyl test strips? Drug testing for Fentanyl with Fentanyl test? Fentanyl strips (FTS) are a type of drug testing...
Substance Abuse and Teens: A Deadly Combination
Substance Abuse and Teens - Between March 2020 and March 2021, about 96,000 Americans perished from drug overdoses. Isn't that...
ETG Strips: How Efficient Are ETG Strips?
More than 14 million people in the United States consume enough alcohol to be classified as having an alcohol abuse disorder....
Everything You Need to Know about the COVID Antigen Test
Do you want to test for COVID-19 amid this new normal regularly? If you do, knowing where and how to get a COVID test is a must....
Can Alcohol Cause Cancer in the Body?
Alcohol can be a source of enjoyment, but you may be surprised that it is a risk factor for cancer. The more you drink alcohol,...
Can Brain Surgery Cure Drug Addiction?
For many people suffering from substance abuse disorder (SUD), finding a cure to end their plight has been a challenge. Some of...
What is Norfentanyl?
What is Norfentanyl? Overview of the compound Norfentanyl is a metabolite of fentanyl, one of the most potent synthetic opioids...
The Process of Getting CLIA Certified
The Process of Getting CLIA Certified - CLIA stands for Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988. This is a federal...
Can Xanax be detected in a body?
Xanax is probably the most well-known benzodiazepine medication. Can Xanax be detected in a body? By depressing the central...