Ovus Medical Articles
How Do Drug Tests Work?
In the United States, around 71% of workplaces with over 1,000 employees conduct drug tests, and 42% test for alcohol misuse....
Urine Color in a Drug Test Chart: A Guide
Whether you're new to drug testing or this is the first time you're incorporating urine tests into your process, reading the...
Does Oxycodone Show Up on a Drug Test?
Oxy is the abbreviation of oxycodone, a medication for the treatment of moderate to severe pain. Doctors prescribe it when other...
Drug Tests and Their Detection Times
Drug tests are commonplace today. Many employers, court systems, athletic leagues/organizations, or even medical insurance...
What Major Companies Drug Test in the USA?
Recent surveys show that more than half (56%) of U.S. employers use drug tests on a regular basis. Are you curious about what...
Is a Saliva or Urine Drug Test More Accurate?
A saliva or urine drug test is ideal for many different drug testing applications, from pre-employment testing to probation drug...
What Are Drug Test Detection Times?
Are you an employer wanting to test your staff or new hires? Maybe you're a parent who needs to test their child for drug abuse...
How Much Does a Drug Test Cost?
When you think of drug testing in your organization, we don't often think about how much it costs. That said, it can be a...
What Does Bup Mean on a Drug Test?
There are almost 21 million Americans who battle with at least one addiction, and of those, approximately 2.1 million have an...