Ovus Medical Articles
How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Your Urine?
Detection window of alcohol in urine? Alcohol is one of the most popular drugs in the world. Since it's not yet considered a...
What is the Drug Molly?
What is the drug molly? 3,4-MethyleneDioxyMethAmphetamine, also known as MDMA and Molly, is the world's most popular synthetic...
Can You Test for Kratom?
Kratom is a tree with the scientific name Mitragyna Speciosa. Its leaves contain compounds that have mind altering effects....
What Happens If You Fail a Random Drug Test?
It's a Manic Monday! You still feel light-headed from last night's booze party. As you drive yourself to work, you silently wish...
Employee Assistance Program: The Pros and Cons
Everybody goes through personal problems at one point or another. Some people can cope with the stress that comes with these...
What Are the Drug Testing Laws?
Any entrepreneur considering implementing a drug-free workplace program in his business should first be aware of the drug...
Random Drug Testing in the Workplace: Do’s and Dont’s
Companies that perform random drug testing in the workplace implement it to promote health and safety in the workplace; prevent...
What is an EAP and Why is it Important?
What is an EAP? An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a work-based program that provides free and private evaluation,...
Get Rid of Your Drug Testing Program Problems Once and For All
Still on the fence on how to establish an effective drug testing program for your business? Many business owners wonder how to...