Ovus Medical Articles
What are the Different Multi Drug Test Panel Cups?
Multi drug test panel cups are widely used for drug testing because they are FDA approved and CLIA waived. They are also fast...
What’s on a 16 Panel Drug Test?
Multi-Panel drug tests are a great way to test for a multitude of substances and range anywhere from 5 to 18 panels. One of the...
Why Do Companies Drug Test With 13 Panel Drug Test?
If you're a company in need of a panel drug test, you may be wondering what panel drug test do most companies use? A 13 panel...
How Long Does a Drug Test Take?
If you are considering drug testing employees and job candidates, you'll want to know how long the screening process will last....
What Does a 14 Panel Drug Test Test For?
Alcohol, marijuana, painkillers, and cocaine are among the top 10 most common addictions in the United States. Unfortunately,...
What Is a 6 Panel Drug Test?
The stress and emotional discomfort caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has driven 13% of Americans to start or increase substance...
What Does an 8 Panel Drug Test Test For?
Around 53 million Americans admit to using illicit drugs within the last year. This is a disturbing statistic whether you're in...
ETG Test Facts and Myths: What Works?
Facts about Etg Test - Whether you're a rehab owner or the person responsible for performing drug testing in workplaces, knowing...
Testing Made Easy With Urine Drug Testing Strips
Did you know that positive drug tests are on the rise? Workers in the US tested positive for drugs at the highest rate since...