Ovus Medical Articles
How Is a 10 Panel Drug Test Done?
How to do a 10 panel drug test? Did you know that almost 20% of Americans have used an illicit drug at least once? If you own a...
What Is Tested for in a 12-Panel Drug Test?
What is tested for in a 12-panel drug test? With as many as 21 million Americans suffering from at least one addiction, and many...
Official Manual For How to Use a Urine Drug Test Kit
When you are setting up an in-house program for workplace drug testing one of your first questions will likely be how to use a...
What Is Alcohol Testing?
Did you know that 14.5 million Americans over the age of twelve suffer from alcohol abuse disorder? Sadly this disorder is often...
Workplace Drug Testing, Setting Up Your In-House Program
Drug and alcohol abuse are often significant factors in workplace injuries. However, impaired employees may not be the only ones...
How Mouth Swab Drug Tests Work
In this post, we look at how mouth swab drug tests work. Saliva drug tests are a convenient option at your disposal in the fight...
What You Need to Know About Urine Drug Tests
With the opioid epidemic in full swing, America is facing one of the greatest public health crises in its history. The urine...
ETG Alcohol Test: Easy and Accurate Test for Alcohol
Accurate Test for Alcohol Did you know that 90% of American heavy drinkers fell short of the criteria for alcoholism? This means...
8 Reasons Your Business Should Use a Saliva Drug Test
According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), around 11.7% of people over the age of 12 have used an...