According to a study, only 8% of physicians useurinedrug testing. It is more common for non-cancer pain practice. Urine drug testing has two main purposes: identifying the alien elements present in the urine that shouldn’t be there and finding traces of prescribed medication.
With prescription drug abuse reaching high crisis levels, drug overdoses and the death rate has grown tremendously. At the same time, there aren’t adequate treatment options available for chronic pain management.
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Pain Management and Urine Drug Testing
At least 100 million Americans are suffering from chronic pain. Due to insufficient treatment options, people are bound to get dependent on prescription drugs. With this growing risk, it has become difficult to identify which patient is more prone to developing an addiction.
If this risk is identified before the opioid therapy, it can substantially decrease the prescription drug abuse rate.
Urine drug test cup kits can be used as a part of the monitoring strategy. Based on the results, compliance of the patient can achieved before the therapy. 10 or 12-panel drug test cup results can diagnose the patient’s misuse and non-compliance at the early stage.
For pain management setting, urine drug testing can diagnose not just the traces of illicit substances, but identify drug abuse, too. Through the urine drug test cup, the doctors look for the presence of prescribed medication as evidence of their use.
Urine Drug Test cup kits
This test was used as an indicator of compliance with the agreed-upon treatment plan. Positive results are reassuring for both the patient and the doctor, while negative results are disconcerting.
Urine drug test cup kits are beginning to gain popularity as the Supreme Court now allows drug testing in public schools. Substance misuse is growing more common among adolescents and young adults and makes the third leading cause of death. Drug-related deaths, injuries, and suicide are common occurrences caused by substance abuse.
While urine drug tests can diagnose traces of drugs, they cannot measure functional impairment. This is because they cannot diagnose the drug present in the brain. However, the potential of urine drug testing is very high. It will acquire greater significance in time to come.
What Makes Urine a Preferred Specimen?
When it comes to measuring the success of chronic pain management treatment, urine drug testing is preferred. The reason behind is the fact that it can diagnose a lot of drugs in a single test. With a urine drug test cup, you can achieve results for the following drugs:
- Amphetamine
- Barbiturates
- Benzodiazepines
- Cocaine
- Methadone
- Methamphetamine
- Marijuana
- Ecstasy
Also, urine specimen enables you to detect traces of drugs from past 1 to 3 days. This expands the window of diagnosis and gives you more effective results. Urine makes a non-invasive specimen for testing and is easy to store. Moreover, it offers efficient test results at a lower cost.
Urine Drug Testing Audience
Urine drug tests can take on a wide variety of pain population. Chronic pain is affecting nearly 20 to 30% of the Western countries population.
Urine drug testing mainly reserved for the ones with a suspicion of having drug disorder. However, singling out people to take a drug test for their suspicious behavior can be offensive.
Contrary to this, having random drug testing and/ or a uniform drug testing program can bring more productive results. Conducting an employee drug testing program, for instance, can make a highly useful strategy of diagnosing individuals with drug problems.
Drug Testing Strategies to Apply
While using and interpreting urine drug tests for chronic pain management, necessary precaution is highly necessary. Negative urine results can also be an indicator of bingeing the prescribed drug rather than a pattern of drug diversion.
Also, the fact that drug test cup reading can indicate the last use of the drug, it can help a great deal. The practitioner can identify when exactly and how frequently the individual is taking the drug.
There are three things one should consider when determining how to read urine drug test:
- Urinary creatinine
- pH of Urine
- Temperature
These three determinants should be recorded. They can assist with the interpretation of the results and increase the reliability of the specimen.
The temperature of the urine specimen must remain within the range of 90 degrees F to 100 degrees F. Similarly, the pH shouldn’t go beyond the range of 4.5 to 8.0. Fluctuation can be there in the pH value but it shouldn’t go overboard than this range.
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Urinary creatinine
Urinary creatinine is associated with the daily water intake and level of hydration. For normal human urine, the creatinine concentration is greater than 20mg/dL. Any less than this value is deemed dilute, and less than 5mg/dL is not consistent with human urine.
If aiming to detect a particular drug, the detection time can vary depending on the reasons for taking the test. The most commonly used drug tests are immunoassay that only identifies the presence or absence of classified drugs. In the case of pain management, chromatographic tests make a more sophisticated drug identification technique.
The presence of a prescribed drug in the urine sample requires a combination of immunoassay technique and chromatographic testing. While immunoassay detects the drug presence, the latter technique identifies which member of the drug is responsible for positive results.
How Reliable Is Urine Drug Testing?
In the context of pain management, urine drug testing endeavors to improve patient care. It is a simple technique that is easy to execute and gives authentic results.
However, to improve the reliability of the results, taking the following measures can be of great help:
- Label the specimen very carefully and authentically
- Maintain the required temperature for the samples
- The hot or cold specimen can give inaccurate results
- Small sample volume or unusual color of the specimen can be disconcerting
- The best time to collect the sample is early morning when urine has increased concentration
- Always chart the results and interpretation of the urine drug testing
These measures can help improve the reliability factor of the test. Interpreting urine drug testing results can be challenging. This requires an in-depth understanding of threshold concentrations, drug targets, and cross-reactivity.
The practitioner attempting the test must have knowledge of metabolic patterns and the potential of influence of pharmacokinetics on the results. Drugs cannot detected due to the following reasons:
- Drug isn’t consumed or administered
- Drug taken in a decreased dose or infrequent manner
- The drug has failed to absorb in the bloodstream
- Metabolism rate is high
- There’s a drug-drug interaction
- Specimen collected outside the detection window
- The specimen is either dilutes, substituted, or adulterated
- The test is incapable of detecting the particular drug
- Clinical or laboratory error
These factors should carefully taken into consideration in order to achieve accurate results. Inappropriate interpretation can lead to poor clinical decisions.
What to Do In Case of Unexpected Negative Urine?
A negative urine test can be due to different reasons. It could be due to the patient running low on medications early. The amount of drug ingested can also lead to negative urine results. But, there is no reliable connection between the urine concentration and the drug quantity consumed.
However, the coordination between the testing laboratory and clinician can help ensure that the drug test cup reading is accurate.
When it comes to accurate drug test cup reading, a key role is played by the urine drug testing cup kits’ interpretations.
The Final Word
Urine drug testing makes an effective tool for assistance in pain management. This beneficial for patients that being treated with controlled substances. It can help determine how compliant the patient is with the treatment.
This kind of drug testing can also help identify any prescription drug abuse or consumption of another illicit drug. It can assist the patient in getting the right help at the right time.
Urine drug testing requires highly accurate result interpretation and specimen acquisition. Any mishandling or error in reading can affect patient care. Moreover, it is essential to take the patient’s consent before taking a urine specimen for drug testing specifically.
Ovus Medical provides the most authentic equipment for carrying out urine drug testing. You can buy 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and/or 13-panel drug test cups in bulk for effective results. They make a cost-effective option for drug testing and give you accurate outcomes. Contact us today to know more about the products and order placement.