The Benefits of Drug Testing

Are you considering starting a drug-testing program for your company for current employees? As a part of your hiring process? Well, you are not alone. An increasing number of employers are now looking to screen the employees working for them. New employees, they are...

Top Drug Testing Myths Debunked

There is Big Top Drug Testing Myths Debunked. The purpose of drug testing is not to criminalize those who come to work ‘high.’ Conducting a drug test also does not mean a lack of trust that employers have for their employees or law enforcement officers have for...

Detection Times for Different Drugs

Detection Times for Different Drugs There is a higher demand for drug testing nowadays. More and more situations require people across the country to take part in drug tests. The number of random drug testing policies is also rising, as situations require people...

Is It Safe To Conduct Home Drug Tests?

Home Drug Tests Most parents live under constant fear of their children addicted to illegal drugs. Be it under the influence of their close friends or just an impulsive decision under stress. All you can do as a concerned parent is keep a close tab on the teens’...
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