Random Drugs Testing
Every company wants to earn more profit and render quality service to its clients. Undoubtedly, to attain these goals, entrepreneurs keep on trying new tactics, disclosing rigid policies to make their employees more productive.
But do you think it works? In reality, when you start making policies keeping your own benefits in mind, it can work against you and make your employees unproductive.
Random Drugs Testing One of the main factors that can make a difference is having a carefully thought plan to hire employees and maintain a healthy work environment. A safe work environment is also one of the important keys to increased productivity.
Workplace drugs testing is something that you can use while hiring those separate employees who use drugs. Also, you can plan random drugs testing to recognize those employees who take drugs while working. It helps in discouraging the use of drugs in office premises and improving the work structure.
If you too want to make your workplace drug-free and increase the productivity of your employees, continue reading to know the ways to implement drugs testing:
Drugs Testing Components
A total of five components of a drugs testing program include policy, training, employee education, employee assistance, and drug testing. First of all, you should include a clear policy prohibiting the use of alcohol and drugs during work.
Also, don’t forget to mention the harmful effects of drugs and penalties for not following the policy. Then purchase wholesale drug test kits from a well-established company.
Motivational Session
You can start a motivational session during office working hours to encourage employees to follow a drug test program. Also, make sure to invite a speaker to speak on drugs and alcohol disadvantages.
Different Ways Of Drugs Testing
Many drugs testing tools like ETG Alcohol Test Strips come in 50 strips packing and more. You can select the testing strips as per needs, goals, and budget.
Four mainly used testing types include a urine test, saliva test, hair follicle test, and blood test. The urine test is known as one of the most used techniques to get accurate and reliable results.
Beware Of The Drugs Testing Policy
A few rules that an entrepreneur needs to follow when implementing a drugs testing program in the organization show he cares for employees. Here’s the list
- Always follow the schedule for the drug test
- never use laboratories that are not accredited by the health department
- Never penalize employees based on initial results.
Set Frequency Of Drug Testing
By scheduling drug testing on a random basis, you can deter employees from using alcohol and drugs during working hours. The company can also schedule a drug testing session during an annual physical test and hiring process.
Random Drugs Testing Program:
How to Conduct Impartial Random Drugs Testing
Drugs Testing Programs used in the US is at the highest level in more than a decade. Every year, drug and alcohol abusers cost American companies billions of dollars. A few industry studies have given a range of $11,000 to $13,000 per year. This is because of the high turnover rates, lower productivity, accidents, unexcused absences, and increased compensation claims.
About 70% of the 14.8 million Americans who abuse drugs are employed. The National Safety Council states that employees who are involved in drug abuse are likely frequently late to work, be absent, file compensation claims. They are fired or quit within a year of employment.
Moreover, the National Drug-Free Workplace Alliance (NDWA) has pointed out 40% of all industrial casualties that occur in the US happen as a result of employees working under the influence of drugs. In fact, drug abuse also causes 40% of employee theft.
To counter these dangers, an effective drugs testing program can ensure that workplaces are safe and productive. Random drugs testing for employees can be an excellent way to prevent drug—users from adversely affecting your organization’s bottom line.
You can detect employees involved in drug or alcohol abuse take necessary disciplinary actions to control the habit. In this way, you’ll create a safer work environment for everyone and limit any productivity losses.
6 Things to Consider When Developing an Employee Drug-Testing Program
1. The Drug Testing Policy Should Clearly Be Written
Having a written drug testing policy is the single most important step in establishing a drug-testing program in the workplace. It would be best if you sat with your legal team to develop and implement a policy that’s in accordance with the respective state laws.
Clearly defined rules and scope of the policy, and adequate training will ensure employee adherence and control of drug abuse.
A copy of the document should be provided to every employee at the time of hiring so that they can refer to it at any time.
Ensure that the policy has been approved by the state, as some states require the approval of any written drug testing policy before it can be implemented.
2. Conduct Pre-Employment Screening
It is advisable to implement a pre-employment drug testing procedure to steer clear of any risks and avoid inconvenience in the future. Any potential candidate who tests positive should have their employment offer canceled, regardless of how suited they may for the job. Again, you need to consult your state laws to know when and how you can have pre-employment drug tests conducted.
3. Drug-Free Workplace Signs
Sings that indicate your drug-free status should be placed at various locations in your workplace, such as parking lots, entrance, reception lobbies, break rooms, and any other spots where current and potential employees can see them.
4. Provide Drug Abuse Training
Give regular training to employees on drug abuse hazards and your company’s rules and policies regarding drug abuse. You should also train supervisors and line managers to help them recognize the signs and symptoms of drug abuse.
5. Maintain Confidentiality
As an employer, it’s your responsibility that the confidentiality of employees is not compromised in any way. Drug test results should be treated as private and confidential information, and those who “need to know” should have access to the final results.
6. There Should be Fairness across the Board
All policies and procedures you develop to maintain a drug-free workplace should be applied equally and fairly across the board. From the newest hire to the most senior member – no exceptions should be made.
Random Drug Testing of Employees
Random drug testing makes for an integral part of the employee drug-testing program. It’s one of the most effective methods of detecting drug users in your organization. Ongoing periodic drug testing helps to deter workers from getting involved in drug or alcohol abuse.
You should be randomly testing about 50% of your workforce every year to comply with drug-free workplace requirements.
How Does a Random Drug Testing Program Works?
You need the employee’s consent before conducting any drug test. In case you face any issues, such as an employee refusing to take the test, it’s up to your company’s drug testing policy, what disciplinary action should be taken.
A non-discriminatory employee selection method is the key to successful random drug testing. Selected specimens can collected based on the type of testing procedure. They include mouth swab drug tests, urine drug tests, etc. Assessment is done through lab testing or using specialized drug testing kits.
The reports are shared with a Medical Review Officer if any employee is found violating your drug abuse testing program requirements.
If conducted properly, random drug testing of employees won’t affect any employee disproportionately, and nobody will able to predict who will be tested or when the next round of tests will occur.
How to Keep Your Organization’s Random Drug Testing Procedures Truly Impartial
1. Make the Selection Method Free of Any Biases
It’s important that the participants selected for drug testing are completely random, and no one feels targeted. Employees know that anyone can called up for the test, so they are also motivated to stay clean and sober at all times.
2. Reduce the Time Lapse between Notification and Testing of Employees
Employees have been selected for the test, and the test date has been finalized; you should notify them, keeping in mind that they don’t get a considerable time frame to receive the notification and testing.
Employees who are into drug abuse can think of tricks to avoid caught and will take measures to avoid getting a positive test. Such methods are dubious, but they do exist. Therefore, you need to keep the time between notification and actual testing as short as possible.
3. Ensure Proper Documentation of the Entire Process and Results
Documentation is critical. Properly documenting the entire process, candidate details, selection method, testing methods, and results will ensure that you have all the necessary records in place to protect yourself in case of an audit. You will also require legal evidence if an employee files a complaint against the selection method or testing process.
4. Follow All State and Federal Laws
Employee drug-testing laws vary from state to state. You want to make sure that you draft your random drug testing policy and procedures in compliance with state and federal laws. Meeting specific regulatory authorities’ specific standards keeps you safe from any legal actions and potentially costly fines.
Ovus Medical provides simple to use drug testing methods. Urine drug testing strips, cups and dips all give results in minutes.
Purchase Urine Drug Testing Supplies Here
Purchase Urine Drug Test Cups Here